Merging old blog and new site

In September 2019, I’ve launched my new website. I’d written the old one in HTML, PHP and MySQL. I liked it, but maintaining it was cumbersome. It was time for change. #I liked it, but it was a bit cumbersome to maintain; especially w.r.t. my research outputs. As I also have to maintain my research outputs for other reasons (curriculum vitae, yearly appraisal interview, etc.). My databases for doing so weren’t linked and that, together with my chaotic administration, caused omissions in both databases. That had to change.

I now moved to the Academic theme for Hugo, which is great. I’ve finished moving all old content to the new site. Especially making sure I had a copy of each paper on my site was time consuming, as my old site didn’t have that. I’m happy to now be able to link to the publisher’s version of all open-access papers and host nearly all closed-access papers on my site, in the publisher’s version. Thanks to Dutch law, that’s legal: all scientific work (with the exception of long work such as books) that has largely been made possible by Dutch tax money, can be hosted publicly after a reasonable amount of time (~ half a year). Thus, all my papers, except those published in the past half year, are here.

One thing I did not move: my blog posts. One reason is that these were hosted by Wordpress and are easy to maintain. Another is that some of my blog posts are cited (one even in a comic book!), including URL. Moving the posts would break the URL. Thus, for now, I leave the blog posts where they are. In time, I might move them one by one. If someone has a brilliant tip on how to preserve the old URLs, please leave a comment.

You can find my blog posts over here.

Casper Albers
Statistician • Researcher • Science Communicator • Dean
Professor in Applied Statistics and Data Visualisation

My research interests include applied statistics in general, modelling of psychological data in particular, statistics communication and data visualisation matter.

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